analog scene

Analog Scene updates with fresh tracks and commentary on art and music throughout the work week. If you like what you hear send the artist some naked pix of yourself. Just make sure the nudes are tasteful, sexy, and original.


Hi everyone! Thanks for reading Analog Scene, I have some info for you.

Analog Scene will officially be going on hiatus.

I no longer have much interest in music blogging.

I switched webhosts because my previous hosts were ripoffs so all of the mp3s are gone. Sorry!

I’ve enjoyed being in contact with some of the wonderful artists that I’ve talked to and wrote so thanks for all of your comments and submissions.

If you still wanna follow me you can find my personal site, here and you can find me on Tiny Mix Tapes, here.

If you still wanna keep track of the awesome Benjamin Bernstein than you should visit his awesome unsigned artist website, The Hippodrome. You can also read his excellent album reviews at Tiny Mix Tapes, here.

Analog Scene may return someday as something else other than an mp3 blog or maybe it’ll return as an mp3 blog. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Until then, enjoy your summer and thanks for reading!

– Kyle Wallace


Friday 05.02.08

Etan makes some ridiculous grindcore remixes straight from south Maryland that are sure to turn a few heads that are familiar with the base track and even you aren’t familiar, you’ll probably still dig it anyway. The Death Set remix I’m sharing with you clocks in at five minutes and thirty-seven seconds but you’ll most likely never tire of it before it completes and in fact you may be wanting more.

If you dig the following track then you should listen to more of Etan’s mix work at his MySpace.

The Death Set- Impossible (Etan Remix)
right click and save as to download.


super mario compact disco

Wednesday 04.30.08

Everyone knows about the horrible licensing flukes that can come out of video game franchises; you can look at any cartoon, and almost all movies based off videos games and be certain that it’ll probably suck. Today I have something to share with you that sucks just as much as the Super Mario Show and the movie, although I must say that John Leguizamo makes a fine Luigi.

Back in ’93 Nintendo of Japan got Ambassadors of Funk to create an atrocious but awesomely nostalgic, inaccurate, and laughable sampler based electro hip hop album under the pseudonym, MC Mario. It’s terrible, but if you haven’t heard this shit yet than you owe to yourself to download these tracks and don’t worry, I won’t be sad at you for deleting it from iTunes after you play it.

Go on, right click these, I dare you.

Ambassadors of Funk- Super Mario World
right click and save as to download.

Ambassadors of Funk- Super Mario Land
right click and save as to download.



Monday 04.28.08

Remember a few months ago when you friend sent you that Burial CD and you were like “holy balls dubstep is sweet! no one could ever come close to this?” Well, get a new pair of underwear ready, because 30hz will make you pee yourself. While the album is far from straight dubstep (more “tech-funk” as the label likes to call it), “Mutate” will hit all your buttons sequentially.

James Grinzburg, the dude behind the project, just released his debut album with the moniker a few months ago. Electric Sheep reminds me a little of what Entroducing… did to me the first time I heard it, although in a very different way. Grinzburg’s sense of idiosyncratic ryhthm and penchant for weirdly beautiful samples has really turned me on to the techno/house/breakbeat family. Hopefully it’ll do the same to you, dear reader.

30Hz- Mutate
right click and save as to download.


Hi everyone! Kyle here. I hope you enjoyed Ben’s 30Hz post and the 30Hz track but I feel that you need a second track of dubsteppy goodness! One of my favorites from the album:

30Hz- Dissosociate
right click and save as to download.


lightning bolt

Friday 04.24.08

If you’re not a fan of noise; I can’t say I’m sure that Lightning Bolt is going to change your mind but if you’re a fan of the genre or are at least interested than I assure you that Lightning Bolt is at the head of the pack when it comes to creating avant garde noise.

The track I’m sharing with you is called Dracula Mountain and it’s an incredible noise gem from the Rhode Island band’s Wonderful Rainbow album. The track is absolutely stellar and throughout it’s five minutes, it’s just fucking wild.

Lightning Bolt- Dracula Mountain
right click and save as to download.


photo via Craig Kanarick.

the album leaf

Wednesday 04.22.08

Ambient electronic music has always been a favorite of mine but occasionally you’ll find that it’s sometimes a mixed bag because as with all music genres becase simply liking ambient electronic music doesn’t mean that I’m going to enjoy it all. Some ambient tunage that I do like however, and it happens to come from Californian post-rock electronic outfit, The Album Leaf. The San Diego based group creates beautiful pop sounds with gorgeous instrumentation and relaxing vibes. Quite simply, their music is almost ambient pop perfection with the occasional somber but welcome overtone.

The following track comes from The Album Leaf’s mostly overlooked 2007 release, Green Tour EP. Drawing Mountains is a beautiful track of which I’m sure you’ll stick on repeat.

The Album Leaf- Drawing Mountains
right click and save as to download.


rupa and the april fishes

Monday 04.21.08

Rupa and the April Fishes have a new album on Cumbancha called “Extraordinary Rendition” that hits on a whole bunch of international vibes, from the French vocals to the Latin fusion.

The San Francisco based group’s latest album utilizes dreamy artwork by muralist Mona Caron, smooth basslines by jazz bassist Marcus Shelby, and a whole host of found sounds from live performances the band has played. The group also has a pretty extensive tour in progress, which will place them (to name a few) in the U.S., Canada, France, England, Spain, and Sweden. The San Francisco Guardian called them a “shining embodiment of globalization-gone-good,” which I whole heartily agree with.

Rupa and the April Fishes-C’est Pas D’Lamour
right click and save as to download.


the scene from here on in

Hi everyone! First off, thank you so much for reading Analog Scene! If you’re a regular reader, thank you even more! It’s so awesome to have a following so I appreciate it. I know that I haven’t been keeping up my end of the bargain so I just wanted to tell you about some changes at Analog Scene.

Analog Scene will only update three times a week now on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This will enable me to do other things in my life and still run a quality blog about music. Also I’m going to try an emphasize smaller musicians now so none of that crazy hoopla on the bigger blogs will be repeated here.

I think that’s about it so keep enjoying Analog Scene as you have been and expect to see a consistent posting schedule again.


music: katamari damacy

Monday 04.07.08

Katamari Damacy is an absolutely incredible video game that has been blogged about relentlessly, even better, the soundtrack has been blogged about a lot as well. If you haven’t had a chance to touch the cult hit PS2 game then no better time than the present exists. The art style is absolutely incredible and the premise basically involves you rolling up everything from paper clips to giant squids in an effort to rebuild the start that your drunken father destroyed.

Like I said, the music in the game is absolutely incredible. One of my favorite songs from the game is a fun pop gem by the name of The Prince and the Moon and I first heard it through my friend and awesome artist, Matt Kish.

If you think this song is boss, wait ’till you play the game.

Katamari Damacy- The Prince and the Moon
right click and save as to download.


photo courtesy of my beautiful (and nerdy) girlfriend.

music: the ruby suns

Tuesday 04.01.08

It seems every red blooded American out there can’t get enough of the Ruby Suns. Being a blue-blooded New Englander, I decided to take a peek and see what these New Zealanders do.

Their latest LP, Sea Lion, is a nicely updated formula on what Noah Lennox (Panda Bear) and Avery Tare have been doing for the last few years. The core is Beach Boys harmony and tonality, but with some added noise, rhythmic slip-ups, and a surprisingly unique songwriting style. Hell, alot of these songs even remind me of Gowns’ terrific and recent Red State. Looks like Sub Pop has another winner.

The Ruby Suns- Tane Mahuta
right click and save as to download.

Benjamin Bernstein

photo via Walnut Creek Alpacas.