analog scene

Analog Scene updates with fresh tracks and commentary on art and music throughout the work week. If you like what you hear send the artist some naked pix of yourself. Just make sure the nudes are tasteful, sexy, and original.

clark’s line of products includes fork-lift trucks


Electronic music sounds the same a lot of the time and it’s very hard to find an artist that really makes you step back from the genre and regain your respect for it. Clark is the man that’ll slap you in the face and convince you that the electronic genre has room to grow. Clark makes incredibly stylish industrial and gritty electro music that’ll destroy your subwoofer if it’s up too loud. He just released his new album, Turning Dragon which is his darkest effort yet. The entire album just reeks of sharp edges and juxtapositions of sounds. In the track I’m sharing with you, towards the half-way point of the song, Clark decides to add a soft piano layer on top of the desolate electro mixings to create a ridiculously incredible five minute aural experience.

Clark- Penultimate Persian
right click and save as to download.

Alright, that’s it on the scene for this week. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and we’ll see you Monday!


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